Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union, Not So Unified.

President Obama's State of the Union Address was extremely underwhelming for me.  There seemed to be no sense of urgency to fix the things that have been ongoing issues in the United States over the past few years such as healthcare, unemployment and the economy as a whole.  I understand that "healthcare for everyone" sounds great in theory, but do I really want to be paying for other people's abortions? The answer is no.  If President Obama was to go thru with his plans for universal healthcare, who's to say his pro choice position on abortion would not creep into healthcare plans?  Yes, I believe that everyone should have the right to health insurance, and I agree that it is extremely expensive, but having the upper class pay for the lower class's healthcare is just ridiculous to me.  Why should people who happen to be wealthy have to give their money up to other people who have the very same opportunities to aquire money and jobs.  Although clearly someone who is born into poverty is going to have a harder time achieving a state of wealth rather than someone who is born into money would, the impoverished person still has the opportunity to become a CEO of a company one day.  America is about equal opportunity, not equal social status from taxing wealthy people whom have often worked very hard to earn the money that they have.  President Obama's address, while very well delivered, worries me because one, I don't agree for his plans on the future, and two, the address was more of a campaign tactic more than anything else, he was supposed to be putting American's at ease with the tough economic situation we are facing, but instead he promoted his own image and used this address as a way to grab media attention away from the republicans and back onto him.  I also thought that President Obama's run-in with the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer was absolutely ridiculous.  Both of them were wrong for having such a heated public argument but President Obama completely denying that the book Brewer wrote about his immigration policies was falsified is ridiculous, especially if there is record of the two having a meeting in the oval office about the topic.  Overall, I believe that President Obama's State of The Union Address highlighted his "accomplishments" and did not touch the tough issues republicans and democrats want answers to.

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